Cameron Ingersoll Roche Wins Dismissal of $2 Million Indemnification Suit in EDVA - Cameron Ingersoll Roche, PLLC
Cameron Ingersoll Roche PLLC

Cameron Ingersoll Roche Wins Dismissal of $2 Million Indemnification Suit in EDVA


Cameron Ingersoll Roche succeeded in having a multi-million dollar lawsuit dismissed in the Norfolk Division of the Eastern District Court of Virginia. In the lawsuit, a toy reseller and its insurer filed suit against a toy manufacturer, a toy distributor and two insurance companies, asserting that the plaintiffs were entitled to indemnification for certain amounts paid to settle a lawsuit against them. Following the filing of a motion to dismiss and extensive briefing of the complex legal issues involved, the federal court dismissed the lawsuit, with prejudice, for lack of jurisdiction.

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